Muslim Friendly MTV?

aziz ansari

For the first time (correct me if I’m wrong) a Muslim hosted the MTV Movie Awards this year. I saw a few video clips raving about that fact like hey it’s the most amazing thing that a Muslim is hosting the event. I’m wondering what their deal is? Don’t they know that we Muslims come in all shapes and sizes, with all types of talents, dreams and fears. And that what one Muslim aspires to causes another Muslim nightmares?


I’m just wondering why the big deal, why the emphasis on saying hey guess what? Aziz Ansari, that guy who made millions of people laugh on live TV, yeah him, well he’s a Muslim. Masha’Allah, but so what? He doesn’t speak for me, and chances are he doesn’t speak for you either. He certainly didn’t say he’s suddenly become a spokesperson for American Muslims, so why the fuss? When did Muslims become such a terrifying thing that we scramble for any opportunity to claim any non threatening public figure as our own. Hey we Muslims, we’re funny, we know how to crack jokes, don’t believe me? Don’t take my word for it, just watch MTV.

I’m sure Aziz Ansari is a nice guy, and pretty funny. But I’m just sad that he’s becoming a de-facto poster boy for Muslims. What are your thoughts? Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill as usual?

    1. Wa Alaykumussalam Nabeel, thanks for the correction! I watched a video on that referred to him as a Muslim hosting MTV and I took their word for it. I wonder if like me they just assumed he was based on his name.